The Kitist

The Kitist
Around the world with kites©

Monday, 4 February 2019

Farewell to The World Kite...Now flies from India to Turkey- featured in 5th Jan 2019 edn of Indian Express

Rajesh Nair of KiteLife Foundation with his long time kite mate Ferruh Bayasu on blue Jersey from Turkey on the field of 30th IKF in Ahmadabad, Guj. India
Thanks Andy Taylor of UK
Thanks Founders ROD MILBURN & Sharon Masto of US
Thanks for Shevlin Sebastian for a wonderful Story
Thanks Akash Nair for the pic of the moment.
Thanks to all kitists from India & Foreign countries and officials Srikala & Vivek of IKF Gujrat who were present in the occasion.

love you all. 

A new craze found in kites by kids in Green Park, Aluva, Kochi 23 April 2019

Neighbourhood kids play with kites The kid brigade found a craze in the flying sport when they were gifted few units of kites by Rajesh. ...