The Kitist

The Kitist
Around the world with kites©

Saturday, 24 August 2019

New Age School Campus K conducts KiteKraft

Kitekraft @ Campus school Chennai

Participants gathered around with their parents in the hall at Campus K,  a new age school situated at Sholinganallur.  CAMPUS K,  a new generation school that has students at their best. Parents are of the view that this new generation school is giving a personalised learning plan for every child. They have great caring and provides a happy environment. The kind of activities KLF did today was also part of such directions. KiteLife Foundation is very happy to have been part of this arena that gave students a newer experience and  scope for developing imagination, freedom of expression, art and talent which imbibed skill into building kites yet appear in a very unconventional model. Thanks for entrusting us.

Parents and kids all along tries their hands o fly kites on the ground at CampusK,  Sholinganallur. Wind at the initial stage was favoured but then it went down.

Very soon we are getting ready for the borneo intl kite festival in bintulu, sarawak malaysia. This time i am taking kite kits based on diy format to possibly give particpants  n interesting factor. The work on the making a kite become so simple with the kite kit..that has polyurethane based pre cut kite face,  tail,  prefixed double side tapes,  winder with the thread ..  .they just need to fill the color followed by fixing bamboo sticks to the marked area and bridle i t to fly it. . Students are so enthusiastic and habing seen our designs many know them already. Hundreds of students from lower and upper grade attent our workshop.....and you know i am loving it.

Thursday, 22 August 2019

The traverse of World Kite this week.

Kiter Ferruh Bayasu had sent to me the latest picture that explains the current status of the popular World Kite.  World Kite is now flying in Bulgaria. World kite,  a lite ripstop white in color made named world kite is now in the hands of Kiter Ferruh which he recieved from India based kiter Rajesh Nair during the immeidate past IKF, Gujarat.
Ferruh is as a custodian can fly it anywhere he wish to travel to attend kite festivals. After he finishes his festivals fly he will hand it over to another kiter whom he randomly select. Every kiter is following the same terms and conditions untill it reaches the final destination at World Kite Museum. Founders Ron and Shwan of USA will be happy hearing the development and I think Ferruh is already in touch with them. Thanks ferruh for updating us. Enjoy your fly buddy.

A new craze found in kites by kids in Green Park, Aluva, Kochi 23 April 2019

Neighbourhood kids play with kites The kid brigade found a craze in the flying sport when they were gifted few units of kites by Rajesh. ...