
Showing posts from May 21, 2023

Parasparam Nammal, a club house room Get-Together with kites flying @ Kollam Beach. 14-May-2023

Pulling the strings made the larger kites attractive, and many people who flew them experienced a wonderful day. Although we had heard about this adorable practise from the writer in many of his speeches, the fact that it was a 'first' for us and that it seemed enjoyable while flying kites surprised many. Despite having participated or organised a number of kite events in the past, this one was incredible for me and my team. However, every new kite event is described as being adventurous much to how every kite flying session is a brand-new learning opportunity. After spending a day at Thiruvananthapuram, one who drove to Kollam before reaching his home town Kochi, Manoj, a banker decided in return spent time, felt irresistible with his beloved family Sindhu, a banker and Aishwarya, a student with kites and handled gaint kites was depicted in images they enjoyed. Resmi, a writer, and her husband Sajayan, a sculptor by passion, travelled from Chavra from the same district to wi